Emergency Dentist in Lititz, PA
Accidents Happen. We're Here to Help!
Need an emergency dentist in Ephrata or Lititz, PA? Don’t suffer any longer than you have to! Call today and we will see you as quickly as possible: (717) 627-3113.
If you are unable to reach us, please call 911 if necessary.
We also serve surrounding communities in Ephrata, Lancaster, and Manheim, PA.
As a patient of ours, you can rest assured knowing we’ll get you in the same day for a true dental emergency.
Common dental emergencies include:
What to Do in a Dental Emergency
In any emergency, staying calm is the first and most important thing to remember. No matter how scary or traumatic, if you panic you won’t be able to think clearly enough to take the next steps you need to remedy the situation. Breathe, and if possible and necessary, seek the help of someone nearby.
In a dental emergency, time is of the essence. The sooner you can get professional help, the better your chances of saving your tooth (or teeth) and having a desirable outcome. Call our office immediately to see when we can get you in to see our emergency dentist in Lititz, PA. As a last resort, if you can’t get a hold of us, call 911.
While you are on your way to our office or the emergency room, do your best to prevent any additional damage or agitation. When you call our office, we’ll give you the proper medical advice to care for your injury while you’re in transit. If you’ve knocked a tooth out, often the best thing you can do is try to hold it back in place.
If you want a skilled, caring, and very sensitive dentist, Dr. Berg is who I recommend. He and his staff make you feel welcomed right away and make it evident that they are there to serve you and your dental needs. I had come in with a broken tooth and after repairing it, Dr. Berg took time to explain what he had done and even further explained the relationship of how our jaw, muscles, and teeth work together... I am thankful that our family has a dentist like Dr. Berg serving them.
Lydia N., Actual Patient
Why Choose Dr. Berg as Your Emergency Dentist in Lititz, Pa?
At Richard M. Berg, DDS, you won’t find another dental team who will deliver quality, compassionate care as we do.
Dr. Berg’s years of experience in providing quality cosmetic, restorative, and preventative dentistry as a Lititz, PA general dentist have earned him a reputation for dental excellence. Plus, his warm and friendly chairside manner puts our patients immediately at ease! You can trust Dr. Berg to take great care of you, whether for routine care or a dental emergency.
Our team understands that dental emergencies can be a terrifying experience. Rest assured, as a patient of Dr. Berg’s, you’ll be in great hands. You’ll be treated with the utmost compassion and care from the moment you walk in the door.
Here are a few great things about Dr. Berg: